
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

WASHINGTON – The House Financial Services Committee today gave unanimous approval to Congressman Robert Pittenger’s legislation designed to give hardworking Americans more opportunities to build good credit on their own merit.

The bipartisan Credit Access and Inclusion Act (H.R. 435) was introduced by Congressman Pittenger (R-NC) and Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) in January.

“This truly bipartisan effort could end credit invisibility, providing tens of millions of hardworking Americans more affordable credit and insurance,” explained Congressman Pittenger to his colleagues on the Financial Services Committee.  “This bill will also greatly expand lending, enabling small businesses to expand, increasing household wealth and generating economic growth.  This legislation would allow those Americans with credit invisibility to establish a credit score, or raise their existing score, on their own merit and without federal mandates.”

CLICK HERE for full video of Congressman Pittenger’s statement to the House Financial Services Committee.

The bipartisan Credit Access and Inclusion Act (H.R. 435) would allow utilities, telecom companies, and landlords to report on-time payment data to credit reporting agencies, enabling families with little or no credit to build credit scores based on a full and more appropriate picture of their payment history.

Those with little or no credit history are considered high risk and can be rejected when they apply for credit, and also pay higher rates for car and homeowner’s insurance.  Congressmen Pittenger and Ellison’s bipartisan legislation would enable 50 million Americans to establish a credit score, and help over 50 million more Americans improve their existing score.

The bipartisan Credit Access and Inclusion Act was approved 60-0 by the House Financial Services Committee and is expected to be considered by the full House early next year.

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