Wednesday 1/21/15 Elm Street in Clarkton
Thursday 1/22/15 SR 1138 (George W Kelly Road)
Thursday 1/22/15 SR 1137 (McKee Road)
Friday 1/23/15 SR 1136 (White-Mckewen Road)
Friday 1/23/15 NC 211
Monday 1/26/15 SR 1172 (Grimsley Farm Road)
Monday 1/26/15 SR 1175 (Fourth Road)
Plans at this time are to skip US 701 Bypass and SR 1003 (Twisted Hickory Road). They will be closed at a later date.
Grief Street in Bladenboro is also being skipped at this time.
According to NCDOT Engineer Kenneth L. Clark, crews normally rip out a crossing on one day and have it opened the following barring any weather or material problems.
BladenOnline will provide updates as they are received.