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by Bladen Online Team

Every Thursday, the BladenOnline Team publishes a new video with recipes. In last’s week recipe video, Nicole and Charlotte cooked Meatloaf! Also, they fixed homemade mashed potatoes, vegetables, and heat-up rolls.

Following are the ingredients and directions the team gave in the video.


  • Ground meat
  • Sliced onions
  • Cut bell pepper (Optional)
  • One and a half sleeves of crushed up ritz crackers
  • Four ounces of sharp shredded cheddar cheese.
  • Milk.
  • Three eggs.
  • Salt.
  • A quarter teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Peeled potatoes
  • One stick of butter


  • Three-fourths cup of ketchup or barbecue sauce.
  • Two tablespoons of brown sugar.
  • One teaspoon of mustard.



  • Place the water to boil.
  • Once the water comes to a boil, put your potatoes in the pot.
  • Wait until the potatoes get nice and tender, and then take them out.
  • Drain the water.
  • Combine the potatoes with a splash of milk, one stick of butter, salt, and pepper.


  • In a large bowl, put the meat, onions, bell pepper, ritz crackers, sharp shredded cheddar cheese, milk, eggs, salt, and pepper.
  • Mix all together.
  • Once it is well incorporated, transfer to dish of your choice.
  • Put it into the oven to 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • Take the meatloaf out and add the topping.
  • Place back into the oven for 30 minutes more.
  • Check the middle before you take it out. If it’s not cooked, put it back into the oven.


Nicole and Charlotte had two options of topping, ketchup or barbecue. They decided to do both and choose what’s better.

  • Mix the brown sugar and mustard.
  • Mix it with ketchup or barbecue.


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  • Put the rolls into the oven for 7 minutes.


  • In this case, Nicole and Charlotte prepared steamed vegetables in the microwave.

View the video on our YouTube Channel linked below.

This week, the team prepared Pizza! This time, the team had two special guests from Wilmington helping to fix the food. We expect to see your opinion about the dish in the comments. We would like requests on recipes you would like us to prepare! 

Next week, Bladen Online will publish the ingredients and directions from this week’s video.

We hope you enjoy your meal and have a great experience cooking! Also, we invite you to watch our Weekly Recipe Videos on the Bladen Online Youtube Channel.

View this week’s video on your YouTube channel linked below.

Author: bladenonline

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