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The West Bladen “Knights” JROTC Battalion will host the “101 Family Fun & 5k Run” on Saturday, 29 April 2017 at West Bladen High School, Bladenboro, NC.  The event is a fund-raiser that celebrates the 101st anniversary of JROTC while honoring its families.

The activities begin at 8:00 am with race-day registration and packet pick-up, followed by opening ceremonies at 9:00.  There will be a high-energy Zumba class to warm you up in preparation for the Fun Run that starts at 10:00 sharp!  Other activities include: Bladen County Sheriff’s Department Working Dog Demonstration, Dublin Fire Department Fire Truck Display, face painting, dance contest, prize drawing food, and others.
Cost is $20.00.  Includes dri-fit T-shirt. Donations are welcome!  (Application is attached)  Call Colonel Eli Ballard at 910-862-2130 ext: 36816 or e-mail elballard@bladen.k12.nc.us for additional details.
Sign up today:
Author: bladenonline

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