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By Joy Warren

The Town of White Lake Board of Commissioners met Tuesday via Zoom virtual meeting for the August monthly meeting. Mayor Goldston Womble shared the monthly report for the Lake Water Management Project from Dr. Diane Lauritsen.

The State Parks Department is moving forward with reorganization of the White Lake Technical Advisory Committee into a Science Advisory Group. This is an important step in the process, to ensure that science-based management objectives and goals are developed for White Lake utilizing collected data.

The Lumber River Council of Governments is continuing to work on a required update to the Town’s Land Use Plan. A stormwater plan for the Town has been drafted by COG and will be presented to the planning committee and Board once in-person meetings resume.

Monthly monitoring continues for fecal bacterial levels (safe levels reported) by Bladen Health Department; aquatic vegetation (no Hydrilla found) by NC State University and the NC Aquatic Weed Program; water quality parameters (algae and pH levels similar to last year at this time); turbidity (which is affected by algae and other suspended particles such as sediment) is higher than last year; and rainfall and lake levels (which remain high). Additional information can be found online at https://whitelakewatch.com/.

In administrative matters, the Board approved Utility releases ($476.91); released 2009 uncollected ad valorem taxes; adopted the 2020 charge to collect taxes; approved short-term agreement from Wooten Company for Multi-Use Path improvements for Phase II; approved memorandum of agreement between NC Office of Recovery and Resiliency and the Town for grant for Town Administrator Position; awarded contract for Sewer AIA project to Engineering Services, PA; approved contract to upgrade pole/security light at 688 White Lake Drive; withdrew from the Inmate Labor Contract with NC Department of Public Safety Division of Adult Correction; approved the Bladen County Coronavirus Relief Fund reimbursement agreement; adopted budget ordinances for General Fund ($1,315.00), Wastewater Fund ($22,500.00) and General Fund ($88,000).

The Municipal Complex and Post Office will be closed Monday, September 7th for the Labor Day holiday. The Public Works Department will have an on call person available in case of a water/sewer emergency.

Tuesday’s meeting was adjourned to Thursday, August 27th at 6 p.m. (closed session) to discuss Town Administrator applications and any other personnel issues.

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