Spread the love

By Joy Warren

The Town of White Lake has set Saturday, October 30th for door-to-door Trick-or-Treating for Halloween. To provide for the safety and welfare of the citizens, only children ages 12 and under are allowed to solicit treats from residents and/or businesses. Children under the age of 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Trick-or-Treating activities will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. A curfew will be in effect for all youth between the ages of 13 and adult age after 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 30th until 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 31st. Mayor Goldston Womble encouraged all motorists and pedestrians to exercise extreme caution during the Halloween activities.

The monthly Lake Quality report was shared with the Board. Boating issues still are a cause of concern. Suggestions for good boating practices do not appear to be effective at changing behaviors. Disturbance of the muddy lake bottom is a concern not just for aesthetic reasons, but also because the sediments have been proven to be a source for the nutrient phosphorus, which fuels algal and plant growth. According to manufacturers of the big wave board boats, the minimum depth for operation with the ballast bag filled is 20 feet – and the maximum depth of White Lake is 10 feet or less. In a memo from Steve Bunn, Stewardship Officer, a search for the springs was conducted to measure the flow rate of the spring output. A spring was in front of Silver Sands motel about 1000 feet from shore. The spring is approximately 15 feet in diameter and is one of a cluster of 12 springs. A flow meter device was placed in the spring with a water flow of 2.4 liters or .63 gallons per hour. Two other sites were tested, and no flow was detected.

Terri Hawley addresses the White Lake Board of Commissioners

Terri Hawley, White Lake Clarity Campaign addressed the Board regarding the Let’s Move Forward petition. She thanked the Board members for their responses to questions from the August meeting. She also expressed her appreciation to Town Manager Sean Martin for meeting with her and discussing Lake water quality issues. She asked the Board and Town staff to continue to push forward and to be transparent and share all the data and information available. She stated, “Empower us — tell us who needs to hear what”. She encouraged the meeting with state officials, scientists, and the public to take place as soon as possible so that the citizens can get involved.

The Sanitary Sewer Improvement Phase 2 project was awarded to Carolina Civilworks. Estimated construction date is December 2021/January 2022. The total amount for the project is $2,708,050.36.

A resolution recognizing Thursday, November 11th as Veterans Day in honor of veterans, both living and deceased, who have served our country to preserve the principles of justice, freedom and democracy and to show our veterans our appreciation was adopted by the Board.

In other administrative matters, the Board approved September Utility releases ($870.33), Tax releases ($887.60); and approved the AclaraOne Software DCU upgrade agreement as presented.

Mayor Goldston Womble, left, and Bill Stafford

In recognition and appreciation of Police Officer Ricky Smith and Bill Stafford with the public works, the Board adopted resolutions for their dedicated service to the Town. Both retired from many years with the Town in September.

Several citizens spoke during the Open Forum session to share concerns about brown water and high water bills. Residents were asked to contact either public works or the Town municipal office to report any problems with water.

The meeting was adjourned to a Closed Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters.

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