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by Danna Martínez

Long ago, the soldiers of Rome played an essential role in the protection and defense of the empire. Even today, these legions are studied. Its advanced logistics and organization are some of the historical jewels that illuminate today’s society.

The term legion comes from the Latin legio. Likewise, the word legio is derived from Legere, which means to collect, unite or join. Some synonyms for Legion are army, division, troops, crowd, brigade, and rally.

A legion can describe a group or combat corps made up of a multitude of people. This term was popularized in ancient times to refer to the troops of the Roman army.

The appearance of the first legions of Romatomo took place around the 5th century BC. The Roman troops or squadrons could gather a quantity of 3000 to 6000 soldiers. The work of these soldiers focused mainly on the defense and protection of the Roman Empire. This elite group acted as a strike force against any external threat. The military infantry unit of Ancient Rome was listed as Legion.

Although the troops recruited many soldiers, not all people could be part of the army. Whoever joins the military must be a citizen of Rome. Also, the postulate must be between 16 and 40 years old. Based on this and other aspects, it would be decided which Legion to join.

In addition to meeting the requirements, the postulates had to be adequately trained. According to the NatGeo Website, “A legion was an efficient war machine, but also a disciplined group of workers capable of building roads, bridges, aqueducts, levees, ports, and forts.” It would be the same citizens of that time who would conquer and defend the territory of ancient Rome.

It is estimated that only 50 legions existed. Some historians say that each Legion was identified with a number and a name. The defeat of the enemy armies was a benefit for the soldiers. This way, they could stock up and go on their way.

Currently, the word legion refers to a group or multitude of people or things. However, the term still refers to the ancient troops of Rome.

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