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By Leyton Ezzell

What would the world be like if there was no music? Well, it would probably be very dull. So how would you make car rides more bearable?

Music is an integral part of every culture across every part of the world, one of the many artistic ways humans, and even animals, can communicate with each other. Music can also affect humans’ current culture, such as the early days of rock and roll, evolving from bands like King Crimson and The Beatles to AC/DC and Metallica. But if music is so important, why don’t we celebrate it? The answer is, we do!

World Day of Music is a celebration of music held on June 21st to show the universal appeal of music. But how did this start? According to NationalToday.com, World Day of Music began in France in October 1981 when Maurice Fleuret became the Director of Music and Dance. Fleuret gave his own perspective on musical practice, saying, “The music everywhere and the concert nowhere.” In a French study during 1982, it was found out that one out of two people played an instrument. Fleuret became inspired by this and thought of ways to bring people out onto the street to make music. This is how “Fête de la Musique” or World Day of Music began.

With the advent of World Day of Music, more than 120 different countries have celebrated their own music on that day.

How can you also celebrate World Day of Music? You can start to learn an instrument and make your own homemade music! Another way is to find out about new artists that you’ve never heard of.

World Day of Music is a holiday used to celebrate everyone’s art tastes. We all have different definitions of what art is, and we can all celebrate how we are different with the ways we appreciate music.


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