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Dear Editor:

Vote logoI want the truth! Election fraud is alive and well in North Carolina, but we are turning a blind eye. I have personally written the North Carolina State Board of Elections Office twice submitting documentation of voter fraud during the 2016 elections.

I have raised questions about local Political Action Committees working unethically in the letters as well. I even submitted documentation proving some of their practices, if not illegal, are unethical. 

I have received no real response from the State Board of Elections other than to hear, “We are looking into it.” The first letter I sent was in April and the second was in June and yet we have no clear answers and no plan of action.

Bladen County, NC has more absentee ballots cast than counties double our size. I provided proof, some of the votes were invalid according to North Carolina’s election laws, but nothing has been done about it. 

I am now going public with this information because I would like to see some changes made with voter fraud and Political Action Committees. Are there any of your readers that feel the same as I do? If so, I would like to ask them to voice their concerns. Let us work together to make positive change.


Charlotte Smith

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