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by Kayla Bell

In the vast expanse of knowledge, there are pockets of information that surprise, delight, and leave us with a sense of wonder. Here, we present a collection of 10 random facts that span the realms of science, history, and the quirks of the natural world. Brace yourself for a journey into the intriguing and unexpected.

1. The Eiffel Tower Can Grow Taller in the Summer:

Yes, you read that right! Due to thermal expansion, the Eiffel Tower can grow taller during the warmer months. As temperatures rise, the iron structure expands, causing the iconic landmark to gain a few extra inches.

2. Honey Never Spoils:

Archaeologists have uncovered honey pots in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. Honey’s natural composition, including low water content and acidic pH, creates an environment hostile to bacteria and spoilage.

3. The World’s Largest Desert is Not in Africa:

Contrary to popular belief, the world’s largest desert is not the Sahara; it’s Antarctica. Deserts are defined by low precipitation, and Antarctica’s icy expanse receives minimal rainfall, making it the largest desert on Earth.

4. The Great Wall of China is Not Visible from the Moon:

Despite the widely held belief, astronauts have confirmed that the Great Wall of China is not visible to the naked eye from space. The contrast in color and the relatively narrow width make it indistinguishable from its surroundings.

5. Bananas are Berries, but Strawberries Aren’t:

In botanical terms, bananas qualify as berries because they develop from a flower with a single ovary. On the other hand, strawberries are considered “aggregate fruits” because they form from a flower with multiple ovaries.

6. The Shortest War in History:

The Anglo-Zanzibar War, fought between the United Kingdom and the Sultanate of Zanzibar on August 27, 1896, holds the record for the shortest war in history. It lasted only 38 minutes.

7. Cleopatra Lived Closer to the Moon Landing than the Construction of the Great Pyramid:

Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, lived around 30 BCE. The Great Pyramid of Giza, however, was constructed around 2560 BCE. Surprisingly, Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969.

8. A “Jiffy” is an Actual Unit of Time:

In physics, a “jiffy” is the time it takes for light to travel one centimeter in a vacuum—approximately 33.3564 picoseconds. So, the next time someone says they’ll be back in a jiffy, they might be referring to a tiny fraction of a second!

9. Scotland has 421 Words for Snow:

In the Scottish language, numerous words describe various types of snow, reflecting the country’s diverse climate and landscape. These words showcase the rich cultural connection between language and environment.

10. Cows Have Best Friends:

Research has shown that cows form deep friendships and can become stressed when separated from their close companions. They have distinctive social hierarchies and often display affectionate behavior towards their preferred bovine buddies.

From the quirks of language to the marvels of the natural world, these random facts are a testament to the diversity and fascination found in the vast universe of knowledge. So, the next time you find yourself in need of a conversation starter, consider sharing one of these delightful and unexpected tidbits!

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