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Bladen County Calendar of Events

Bladen County Schools Calendar of Events

Bladen Community College Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

January | February | March | April | May | June | July
August | September | October | November | December

February 2025

Valentine’s for Nursing Home Residents: Making a homemade card including words of encouragement, donate a new stuff animal and drop off at Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

Happy Feet Walking Program: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bladen County Recreation Department, King Street Gym, 803 West King Street, Elizabethtown. Ages 18 and over. Walk in an indoor heated facility. Information: 910-862-6770.

Blastball Registration: Through February 28, Bladen County Recreation Department. Ages 3-5 coed (age as of April 1, 2025). $30 fee. Click here to register or in person at 803 West King Street, Elizabethtown. Child’s birth certificate required. Coaches needed. Information: 910-862-6770.

13: We Love Painting Party: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Guest artists are Laura and Sarah Hash. Ages 10 and up. Supplies provided. Limit of 15 people. Information: 910-647-3661.

13: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

13: Bladen County Commissioners Special Meeting: Noon, Jones Lake State Park, 4117 N.C. Hwy. 242 North, Elizabethtown. Agenda includes personnel, economic development and work session. READ MORE

15: Relay For Life Survivor Gala Dinner: 2-5 p.m., Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church, 800 West Broad Street, Elizabethtown. RSVP to Angeline Powell-Jarmon at RelayForLifeBladenCounty@gmail.com.

15: Bay Trail Hike: 10 a.m., Jones Lake State Park, 4117 N.C. 242, Elizabethtown. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend. Information: 910-588-4550.

15: Guided Paddle Tour: 1:30 p.m., Jones Lake State Park,, 4117 N.C. 242, Elizabethtown. Two large 12-people canoes. Registration required by calling 910-588-4550. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend.

15: Guided 3-mile Hike: 3 p.m., Bay Tree Lake State Natural Area, 11106 N.C. 41, Harrells. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend.

15: Guided Hike: 3 p.m., Singletary Lake Park, 6707 NC 53, Kelly. Meet at Educational Building. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend. Information: 910-669-2928.

15: Darren Wheeless Concert: Glass Bottom Lounge, Goldston’s Beach, 1592 White Lake Drive, Elizabethtown. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend. Information: 910-862-4064.

15-16: My Time to Shine Auditions: Carolina Civic Center Historic Theater, 315 North Chestnut Street, Lumberton. 11 a.m. on February 15 and 2:30 p.m. on February 16. Applications for the competition and non-refundable $20 registration fee must be submitted by 6 p.m. February 7. Show is March 22 Information: Jonathan Brewington at 910-738-4339 Ext. 2 or Jonathan@CarolinaCivicCenter.com.

16: Lu Mil Vineyard Tour: 2 p.m., 438 Suggs-Taylor Road, Elizabethtown. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend. Information: 910-866-5819.

16: Harmony Hall National Historic Site: 1-4 p.m., 1615 River Road, White Oak. Activity part of Trail Festival Weekend. Information: 910-866-4844.

16: Co-Pastor Barbara J. Campbell 70th Birthday Celebration: 12:30 p.m., True Vine Holiness Church, 1503 Harrelson Road, Clarkton. Dinner immediately following the service. Information: truevineholinesschurch.org or 910-645-6943.

17: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

18: 3D Printing Workshop: 3:30-5:30 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, Hangout Hub, 10413 North College Street, Clarkton. Ages 11-18. Learn to use a 3D printer and make custom items. Snacks and drinks provided. Call 910-647-3661 to register.

18: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

20: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

20: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

20: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

21: Game Of Drones: 3:30-5:30 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, Hangout Hub, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Ages 11-18. A chance to fly a drone. Snacks and drinks provided. Call 910-862-6990 to register.

21: Ribbon Cutting: 3 p.m., Golden Slate Salon, 116 West Broad Street, Elizabethtown

22: Bears: 2-3 p.m., Jones Lake State Park, 4117 N.C. 242, Elizabethtown. Join a park ranger for a discussion about the park’s largest mammal: the black bear. Information: 910-588-4550.

22-23: Moores Creek National Battlefield Anniversary: 40 Patriots Hall Drive, Currie. Commemorating the 249th anniversary of the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge. Wreath laying, demonstrations and programs. Information: www.nps.gov/mocr or www.facebook.com/moorescreeknps. Contact: Jason Collins at 910-283-5591, ext. 2222. READ MORE

25: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

25: Healthy Bladen Meeting: 9:00AM at the Bladen County Cooperative Extension. The address is 450 Smith Cir., Elizabethtown, NC 28337. Link to Photo

26: Healthy Aging Series: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Patricia Warren from N.C. Geriatric/Adult Mental Health Specialty team will discuss topics related to aging and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Register by calling 910-862-6990.

27: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

27: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

27: Get Together of Friends of Bladen County Public Library: 5:30 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Light dinner, annual review and fundraising ideas. Information: 910-862-6990.

28: Heart Health Symposium: 9 a.m.-noon, Columbus County Administration Building, 4th floor meeting room, 127 West Webster Street, Whiteville. Event to raise awareness about cardiovascular health. Speakers, workshop and screenings. Sponsored by Trillium Health Resources. Click here for free registration.

March 2025

1: Pheasant Tower Shoot Fundraiser: 9 a.m., Allen Brothers Outdoors, 200 Allen Brothers Drive, Bladenboro. $300 per participant includes lunch and take-home dressed birds. Proceeds to benefit Bladen Community College Foundation. Information: 910-879-5634. Click here to register. READ MORE

1: Dublin Peanut Festival Fish Fry: 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Lu Mil General Store, 438 Suggs-Taylor Road, Elizabethtown. $25 all you can eat while supplies last. Whiting, fries, slaw hushpuppies. Information: 910-876-2288.

3: Dr. Seuss Story Time: Bridger Memorial Public Library 3:00 pm, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

3: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

3: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

4: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

4: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

4: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

6: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

7: Mark Trammell Quartet Concert: 7 p.m., New Center Baptist Church, 19894 N.C. 131, Bladenboro. Free admission, a love offering will be taken. Photo for post

8: Tackling Food Insecurity Together Conference: 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Bladen Community College, Workforce Development Building (Building 14), 7418 N.C. 41, Dublin. Focus on farmers and producers who promote sustainable growing methods. Partner include BCC, Mean & Women United and N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Information: Kimberly Howell at 910-742-4747. READ MORE

10: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. March book: “First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston. Information: 910-862-6990.

10: Bladen County Board of Education Meeting: 6 p.m., District Administration Building, 1489 US 701, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-4136.

10: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

11: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

11: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

11: Reducing Sodium: 6 p.m., Bladenboro First Baptist Church, 505 South Main Street. Learn the good and bad about sodium. Instruction by N.C. Cooperative Extension Service-Bladen County Center. Information: Extension Service at 910-862-4591 or First Baptist Church at 910-863-3618.

13: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

17: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

18: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

20: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

20: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

22: Conceal Carry Class: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Emergency Services, Training Center, 5853 US 701 North, Elizabethtown. $75 with $25 nonrefundable deposit due by 5:00 p.m. March 14 and can be paid at Bladen County Sheriff’s Office. Weapon and 30 rounds of ammunition required. Billed hat needed. Eye and ear protection available. Information/Registration: Sarah Murphy by texting or calling 910-876-2690. READ MORE

25: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

27: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

27: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

April 2025

1: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

1: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

3: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

4: Colt Ford Brook McBride and Dusty Leigh Concert: 6:30 p.m., Cape Fear Vineyard and Winery, 195 Vineyard Drive, Elizabethtown. Southern charm and country beats. Tickets at https://www.capefearwinery.com, or call 910-645-4291.

5: Lu Mil Wine Run 5k: 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., Lu Mil Vineyard, 438 Suggs-Taylor Road, Elizabethtown. Proceeds to benefit Dublin Peanut Festival. $60. Race based on age groups. T-shirt, wine glass, medal, race bib and more for participants. Click here to register. Information: 910-866-5819. READ MORE

7: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

7: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

8: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

8: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

8: Raised Bed Gardening: 6 p.m., Bladenboro First Baptist Church, 505 South Main Street. Learn the ins and outs of raised bed gardening. Instruction by N.C. Cooperative Extension Service-Bladen County Center. Information: Extension Service at 910-862-4591 or First Baptist Church at 910-863-3618.

10: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

14: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. April book: “The Lost Bookshop” by Evie Woods. Information: 910-862-6990.

14: Bladen County Board of Education Meeting: 6 p.m., District Administration Building, 1489 US 701, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-4136.

14: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

15: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

17: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

17: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

21: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

22: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

22: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

24: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

24: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

26: Science Fair: 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Jones Lake State Park, 4117 N.C. 242, Elizabethtown. Variety of agencies and organizations will provide STEM activities and displays. Information: Monique McKoy at 910-588-4550.

May 2025

1: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

3: May Day Jamboree: Lu Mil Vineyard, 438 Suggs-Taylor Road, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-866-5819.

5: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

5: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

6: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

6: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

6: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

8: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

12: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. May book: “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman. Information: 910-862-6990.

12: Bladen County Board of Education Meeting: 6 p.m., District Administration Building, 1489 US 701, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-4136.

12: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

13: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

13: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

15: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

15: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

16-18: White Lake Water Festival: Details to be announced.

19: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

20: The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, bi-monthly meeting: PHA located at 702 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; Elizabethtown NC, meetings are scheduled 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday following the first and third Sundays. READ MORE

22: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

22: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

27: Story Time: 4 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

29: Story Time: 10 a.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

June 2025

2: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

2: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

3: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

3: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

9: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. June book: “The First Ladies” by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murry. Information: 910-862-6990.

9: Bladen County Board of Education Meeting: 6 p.m., District Administration Building, 1489 US 701, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-4136.

9: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

10: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

16: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

19: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

26: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

July 2025

1: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

1: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

7: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

7: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

8: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

14: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

14: Bladen County Board of Education Meeting: 6 p.m., District Administration Building, 1489 US 701, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-4136.

14: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

17: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

21: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

24: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

August 2025

4: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

4: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

5: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

5: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

11: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

11: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

12: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

18: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

21: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

28: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

September 2025

1: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

1: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

2: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

2: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

8: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

8: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

15: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

18: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

20: Dublin Peanut Festival: Details to be announced.

25: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

October 2025

6: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

6: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

7: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

7: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

13: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

13: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

14: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

16: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

20: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

23: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

November 2025

3: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

3: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

4: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

4: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

10: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

10: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

11: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

17: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

20: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

27: New Beginnings Book Club: Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.

December 2025

1: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

1: Elizabethtown Town Council Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street. Information: 910-862-2066.

2: Clarkton Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 81 North Elm Street. Information: 910-647-5961.

2: Dublin Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Dublin Community Center, 120 2nd Street. Information: 910-862-4301.

8: Pastries & Print Book Club Meeting: 3 p.m., Bladen County Public Library, 111 North Cypress Street, Elizabethtown. Information: 910-862-6990.

8: Bladenboro Commissioners Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Hall, 411 Ivey Street. Information: 910-863-3655.

9: White Lake Commissioners Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Hall, 1879 White Lake Drive. Information: 910-862-4800.

15: Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702. READ MORE

18: Chatting Chapters Book Club: 6 p.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street. Information: 910-647-3661.

January 2026

Ongoing Meetings

Send your Meeting Notices to BladenOnline.com@gmail or fax them to (910) 645-4753.
Listing is free of charge.


Diabetes Forum held every Wednesday

5:30pm – Diabetes Forum, Baldwin Branch Missionary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall

Every Monday at 6:30 Bladenboro Rotary Club- meets at the Bladenboro Community Building every Monday at 6:30 pm.

Second Monday at 6:30 Bladen Lodge 646- (AF & AM) meets at 106 South Cypress Street in Elizabethtown on the 2nd Monday and 4th Monday night of the month. The meeting on the 2nd Monday starts at 6:30 pm with dinner served. The meeting on the 4th Monday starts at 7:30 pm.

Second and Fourth Tuesday Clarkton Lions Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm in the Clarkton Fire House.

Second or Fourth Monday of the Month Elizabethtown Optimist Club – If you want to get involved in the community and help the youth you are invited to join the Elizabethtown Optimist Club. For more information join them for a dinner meeting on the second or fourth Monday of the month at San Jose Restaurant. The meeting begins at 6:30 pm.

Fourth Monday of the month – Bladen County Republican Party – Bladen County Republic Party meets the fourth Monday of each month at San Jose Restaurant in Elizabethtown starting at 6 p.m. All club members and county Republicans are encouraged to attend. Visit Bladen GOP on Facebook for more information.

Second Tuesday at 7:00 Dublin Peanut Festival – Dublin Peanut Festival Committee meets at Dublin Elementary school the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

Second Tuesday of the Month Bladen County Disabled Veterans Chapter- Disabled Veterans please join the Elizabethtown DAV. Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at 109 Hill Street in Elizabethtown, starting at 7 pm.

Third Tuesday at 7 p.m. Kiwanis Club: The Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club meets at Cindy’s Restaurant on Us 701 South across from the Elizabethtown Middle School.

Third Tuesday at 7 pm White Oak Community Club- White Oak Community Club meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. is served. Come join us.

Last Tuesday of the Month Bladen Healthy Collaborative- The Healthy Bladen Collaborative will hold their regular monthly meeting at 9 a.m., at the Bladen County Health Department, to discuss the progress of the Healthy Community Initiative. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information call 910 862-6900.

Last Tuesday at 7 pm- Col. Earl E. Frink Bladen County Military Museum meets at the Bladenboro Historical Society Building at 7 pm the last Tuesday of the month. For more information, contact Robert C. Hester at 910-862-8620.

Every Wednesday at 1 pm- The Elizabethtown Rotary Club meets each Wednesday at Cape Fear Vineyard and Winery in Elizabethtown at 1 p.m.

First Thursday of the Month Shrine Club- Bladen County Shrine Club meets at the Woodman of the World building on Highway 242 just north of Elizabethtown. All members are encouraged to attend, including anyone interested in joining.

First Thursday of the Month Master Gardeners – The Bladen County Master Gardeners meet at 6 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month at the Cooperative Extension office on Smith Circle. For information on becoming a Master Gardener, call 862-4591.

First Thursday of the month- The Bladen County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council meets the first Thursday of the month at noon except during the months of July and August. The meetings are conducted at the Powell-Melvin Agricultural Center, 450 Smith Circle, Elizabethtown.

First Friday at 7 pm- Garland Lodge 1511 of Woodmen of the World Insurance Society meets the first Friday of every month at the Ammon Community Club in Ammon at 7:00 PM. For more information you can call Gloria Smith, Secretary at 910-974-2935.

Third Saturday at 3 pm Veterans of Foreign Wars- VFW post 8062 meets on the third Saturday at 3 pm of each month at 108 Hill Street in Elizabethtown. Would like all veterans of foreign wars to come join the VFW and help support our veterans and military. Oliver Gause is the current post commander and can be reached at 910-645-6678 or 910-862-9543.

Second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Boost the Boro: Boost the ‘Boro, Inc. will meet at the Bladenboro Farmer’s Market conference room at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month.

Second Tuesday of the month at 12 Noon (Except June and July): Elizabethtown – White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce – Meet at the Cape Fear Farmers Market unless otherwise announced.

Second and Fourth Tuesday Clarkton Lions Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm in the Clarkton Fire House.

Tuesdays following first and third Sundays – Meet: 7:30 PM Civic On-going Meeting – Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, Prince Hall Free & Accepted, 702 Martin Luther King Drive, Elizabethtown NC 28337


Bladen County

The Bladen County Health and Human Services Advisory Committee meets every 2nd Monday of every month at 5:30pm in the Large Conference Room at the Bladen County Health Department. This meeting is open to the general public and if you have any question contact Becky Culbreth at (910)-872-6231


First Monday at 6:30 pm Woodmen of the World Lodge 208 of Bladenboro meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30 for dinner and a business meeting. The lodge is located on Hwy 131 South of Bladenboro.

Second Monday at 6:00 pm- Bladenboro Town Board meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Town Hall located at 411 Ivey Street.

Second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.: Boost the ‘Boro, Inc. will meet at the Bladenboro Farmer’s Market conference room at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month.

If you are looking to become involved in the community and willing to put some time and effort into the community improvement initiatives underway, we would invite you to consider a visit to our meeting and maybe become a member of this group.

Fourth Tuesday at 6 pm- The Bladenboro Housing Authority meets at 6 pm in the Housing Authority Administration Office in Bladenboro on the fourth Tuesday of each month.


First Tuesday at 6 pm- Town Board meets at 6 pm at the Town Hall on the 1st Tuesday of the month.

Second and Fourth Tuesday Clarkton Lions Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm in the Clarkton Fire House.

Third Tuesday at 6 pm- The Clarkton Housing Authority meets at 6 pm in the Oakdale Homes Community Building in Clarkton on the third Tuesday of each month.

East Arcadia

Second Monday at 7:00 pm– The Town Council of East Arcadia meets the second Monday of each month at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise informed.


First Monday at 5:30 pm- Planning Board meets at 5:30pm at the Elizabethtown Municipal Building on the 1st Monday of the month.

First Monday at 7 pm- Town Council meets at the Elizabethtown Municipal Building on the 1st Monday of the month.

Civic On-going Meeting

Diabetes Forum held every Wednesday
5:30pm – Diabetes Forum, Baldwin Branch Missionary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall

Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Meeting

The DAVA of Elizabethtown (DAV Chapter 99), will be holding monthly meetings and accepting new applications for membership. We look forward to working with you, and supporting our local veterans of Bladen county. For more information please contact Tracy Smith at, tracytaylorsmith@gmail.com or 910-736-4245.

Tuesdays following first and third Sundays – Meet: 7:30 PM Civic On-going Meeting

Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, Prince Hall Free & Accepted, 702 Martin Luther King Drive, Elizabethtown NC 28337

Second and Fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m.

Bladen Lodge No. 646 A. F. & A. M., 106 S Cypress Street, Elizabethtown, NC 28337

Second Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.- ABC Board meets at 5:30pm at the ABC Store on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Second and Fourth Monday 6:30 pm – Optimist Club meets at San Jose Restaurant.

Second Tuesday at 7:30 am- Airport Economic Development Commission meets at 7:30 a.m. at the Airport Terminal Building on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Second Tuesday at 9 a.m. –The Bladen County FSA Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Powell-Melvin Agriculture Service Center, USDA-FSA Office, located at 450 Smith Circle in Elizabethtown.

Third Tuesday at 7 p.m.: The Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club meets at San Jose Restaurant.

Every Wednesday at 1 p.m. – Elizabethtown Rotary Club meets at Cape Fear Vineyard and Winery.

Three Times Per Week at 7:30 p.m.- Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings are held three times weekly. Tuesday and Friday meetings are held at Open Door Ministries (2704 East Broad Street/NC 87 E. Elizabethtown) 7:30 p.m. The meetings are Open Meetings. Meetings are also held on Thursday evenings at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church (800 West Broad Street, Elizabethtown) beginning at 7:30 p.m. The meetings are Open Meeting and Step Study.

Monthly Meeting – Bladen County School Board meets monthly at the Board of Education building on Highway 701 south. Click HERE for board meeting dates and times.

Third Wednesday at 1 pm- Recreation Commission meets at 1pm at the Elizabethtown Municipal Building on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Every Saturday before the first Sunday at 9:00 a.m – The Baldwin Branch Laymen League meets every Saturday before the first Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Gregory Faines, President. Baldwin Branch Missionary Baptist Church – 4047 NC 242 Highway South; Elizabethtown NC 28337

Fourth Saturday at 10 am- West Bladen Branch NAACP will meet on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10 am at the Paul R. Brown Building at 1360 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Elizabethtown. For more information call (910) 872-1712.

Town of Tar Heel

First Tuesday — Town Board meets at 7 p.m.

Town of White Lake

Every Monday at 7 pm- Fire Department First Responders meet at 7 pm in the Fire Department each Monday.

Second Tuesday at 7 pm- Town Board meets at 7 pm in the Municipal Building the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Third Thursday at 7 pm- Planning Board meets at 7:00 pm in the Municipal Building the 3rd Thursday of the month.