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by Kayla Bell

From awe-inspiring feats of engineering to iconic landmarks, bridges have captured our imaginations for centuries. Step across the globe and delve into the world of these remarkable structures with these 10 fun facts:

Golden Gate Gray? Not Quite: The famous Golden Gate Bridge hasn’t always painted its signature orange hue. Initially unpainted steel, the bridge was later coated in a distinctive International Orange color not just for aesthetics, but to protect it from the harsh salt spray and foggy conditions unique to San Francisco Bay.

Tower Bridge vs. London Bridge: Don’t get confused! While both are London landmarks, Tower Bridge is the iconic bascule bridge with its two towers rising to allow tall ships to pass. London Bridge, much older and featuring a traditional suspension design, sits a short distance upstream.

Secret Chambers of the Brooklyn Bridge: This New York icon boasts a hidden network of passageways within its massive stone anchorages. Originally intended for potential use as a railway or for wartime defense, these chambers are now accessible only by special permission.

Venice by Gondola, But Also by Bridge: Famous for its canals, Venice also boasts over 400 bridges, each a unique architectural gem. The ornate Rialto Bridge, a major tourist attraction, is the oldest of the city’s grand bridges, spanning the Grand Canal since the 16th century.

A Bridge to the Future: The Sky Bridge in China holds the record for the highest suspension bridge in the world. This engineering marvel hangs a staggering 1,804 feet (550 meters) above a valley, offering breathtaking views and a true test of courage for those afraid of heights!

The Millau Viaduct: High Above the Clouds: Soaring 343 meters (1,125 ft) above the Tarn River valley in France, the Millau Viaduct holds the record for the tallest bridge in the world. This cable-stayed marvel, opened in 2004, offers breathtaking views and significantly reduces travel time between major cities.

A Bridge with a Spine: The Helix Bridge in Singapore is a pedestrian bridge that resembles the double helix structure of DNA. This architectural marvel features a colorful light display at night, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.

The Bridge of Sighs: More Myth Than Moans: Venice’s famed Bridge of Sighs is often associated with prisoners sighing as they cross from the Doge’s Palace to their prison cells. However, the name likely originated from the romantic sighs of couples stealing glances.

The Historic Pulteney Bridge: This unique bridge in Bath, England, boasts shops built right into its structure. Dating back to the 18th century, the Pulteney Bridge is one of only a handful of bridges in the world with inhabited buildings.

A Bridge for Animals Too: The Wildlife Crossing in Banff National Park, Canada, is a special bridge designed to allow safe passage for animals like grizzly bears and elk over a busy highway. This innovative solution helps protect wildlife and prevent collisions.

So, the next time you cross a bridge, take a moment to appreciate the engineering marvel beneath your feet. From hidden passageways to cheese replicas, these structures are more than just ways to get from point A to point B; they’re testaments to human ingenuity and creativity, forever connecting us across water, valleys, and even time.

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