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by Van Yandell

Luke 10:19 “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.”

Being one that very strongly believes in scriptural information, logic and common sense, this verse (Luke 10: 19 above) is one I’m going to pass on. For anyone that’s ever enjoyed the sting of a scorpion, the blessing is just not there.

We live in a pine forest and the scorpions find hiding places most creepy crawlies would never think of. They hide in the bark of pine trees, under pieces of lumber or rotten tree limbs and even in articles of clothing or old rags.

When in my shop and needing a rag to wipe wood stain or to dry my hands, I shake out the rag to make sure no scorpions have taken up residence. Having been stung twice, I do not relish the idea of a third experience.

When on a recent work trip, I had left an old t-shirt on a sawhorse. Determining I had another sweaty job to do before slowing down for the day, I pulled the shirt over my head. About one second later, I felt a sting on my left arm above my elbow.

A bumble bee had decided to take a nap in the shirt and apparently, I woke it up. The sting was nothing to compare with a scorpion, but it still stung and definitely got my attention.

Jesus said in the last days there would be pestilences (Matthew 24: 7). Scorpions and bumble bees have been around for centuries, so my experiences are not a sign of the end times. They are, however, a sign and an analogy of the false prophets and teachers and multitude of non-believers that continually attempt to circumvent the Word of God and mislead us into eternal separation from God.

The false teachers believe they are right and that in itself makes them very convincing. False is false and if the belief is not in line with The Holy Bible, it is false.

“Only tell them what you want them to know,” seems to be a philosophy of many in our world today. The phrase “need to know” seems to have caught on in recent years, but in whose opinion? What I think I need to know and the information provider may differ.

Beyond those examples, the primary example we must consider is in the work of the false prophets. We should have the good sense to filter out the nonsense. Knowing full well, people believe what they want to, the filtering process will certainly vary from one individual to the next.

The Holy Bible contains over 780,000 words (version average) so it is impossible for a mere mortal to know all of it and correctly understand the meanings. We are advised however, to study our most precious text and for certain know the fundamental of the Gospel.

Galatians 1: 8 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” The simple truth is many are preaching a false gospel.

Do all of our thoughts come from God? Is it possible that a thought could come from an evil source? Discernment is a precious gift from God and surely comes in handy in this case. If those teachings conflict with the fundamental of salvation, they are false teachings.

Eternal salvation is only through faith (Ephesians 2: 8) that Christ Jesus was crucified for the remission of sin and resurrected from the dead. Any other gospel is a false teaching.

We are saved by what He did on the cross. His shed blood (1 John 1: 9) cleanses us of all unrighteousness and it is by His blood we have salvation. Shaking out the scorpions sometimes means knowing the truth. In the case of our eternal destinations, there is only one truth and that is called the Gospel.

Many see Christians as being narrow-minded because we preach and teach Jesus is the only salvation. We do that because of what the Bible says (John 14: 6 is one such verse). The Bible is the only written text that is proven to be the word of our Creator. He knew the future and science thousands of years before humans knew (Deuteronomy 29:29).

To live our lives without an eternal perspective is counterproductive to our existence (Ecclesiastes 3: 11). Many areas of our lives require “shaking out the scorpions.” Our religious beliefs are the only ones that determine our eternal destination.

I would never try to pretend that “shaking out the scorpions” is easy or simple. I’ve been there just like many have. The only reasonable solution is to give it to God. One solution would be to write your problems and troubles on paper, put them in a basket and lay them on the altar.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

There is nothing that stings any harder or more painful than not shaking out the scorpions of false beliefs. Be careful what you select to believe and always be sure it conforms to the Bible.

Van Yandell is a retired Industrial Arts teacher, an ordained gospel evangelist and commissioned missionary, from Fredonia, Kentucky. A part of the Bible Connection series.

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