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I am a huge fan of southern gospel music….The song….not sure it is the title of not…”Loving God, loving each other” by the Gaither Vocal Band…keeps “bouncing” around in my head…

Along that same line of thinking…think of folks always doing good deeds…kinda like making deposits in the bank….Hoping they will never be needed, but knowing full well that from time to time we all need a kind word or a good deed, maybe a ride to the doctor’s office or someone to assist in “whatever.”

I know some folks who make those type deposits on a daily/weekly basis…and some of us just stand-off and watch…guess our “fabric” is different…..We need more of the “provider types.”

If you are a NFL fan you know the Carolina Panthers completed their season last night……Many pull for our NC team….self destruction is a problem for them it seems…Oh well….there is always next year….

Today’s temps are comfy for this time of year…but, need to have the umbrella nearby….More rain is on the way, according to the weather folks….We can use it….Farmers need it for sure….A new planting season begins soon.

Wisdom will keep you from getting into situations you need it.  (Bruce M. Sandbrook)

We may have grown old, but may not have grown up.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did.  (Mark Twain)

Faith is personal, but never private.


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