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CHARLOTTE – Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) issued this statement after reviewing President Trump’s strategy on Iran:

“President Trump provided a clear assessment of the threats America faces from Iran.  The Iran Nuclear Deal is severely flawed and provides access for Iran to exploit this process.  For example, the IAEA is not allowed to access military installations in Iran to review possible violations.

“This misguided agreement gives Iran a working path to continue developing nuclear weapons in just a few short years, while currently allowing Iran to continue development of long-range ballistic missiles that could reach anywhere in the world.  This is madness!

“Congress should work with President Trump on targeted sanctions and other measures that will prevent Iran’s present course, which is a major threat to our national security.”

In April, Congressman Pittenger introduced the Iran Sanctions Relief Act (H.R. 2185) to determine if foreign financial institutions listed in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iran Nuclear Deal) have knowingly engaged in transactions which support terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, export of prohibited items to Syria, human rights violations, or Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.  The legislation is currently under consideration by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

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