Spread the love

By Erin Smith

The week of October 23 through October 31st is Red Ribbon Week and this year’s theme is “Your Future is Key, So Stay Drug Free.” The idea behind Red  Ribbon Week is to encourage parents to begin a conversation with their teens about drugs and the dangers associated with them. 

As part of the Red Ribbon Week Campaign, there is a photo contest you can enter for a chance to win an iPad and $1,000 for your school. There are two categories you can enter: Home decorations or school decorations. Entering is simple. Decorate your home’s front door, mailbox or fence with a double looped Red Ribbon, snap photo and upload it at www.redribbon.org. Don’t forget to ask your friends, family members, colleagues and classmates to vote. Entries will not be accepted after November 2nd. 

The voting period will take place from November 3rd through November 17th. 

You can also take the Red Ribbon Pledge to stay drug free. The pledge reminds us all to be good examples for children and to help parents with establishing rules and guidelines regarding drug use. 

To learn more about Red Ribbon Week and how to talk to your children about drugs, go to www.redribbonweek.org. 

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