Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

NFL action last night:  Atlanta Falcons 20 – New Orleans Saints 17.

What do you know about Bitcoins?

Watching news out of DC is confusing to say the least.  Watch Fox, then CNN, discussing same issues, same people….Sounds like 2 different worlds…..So who do you trust? Me? Neither! ….No Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley or Chet Huntley type folks on either….My thoughts…

Filing for political offices from the Courthouse to US Congress is currently scheduled to begin in early February.

Local offices & current office holders:
County Commissioners:
District 1      Arthur Bullock
District 2      Charles R. Peterson
District 2      Russell Priest

Board of Education:
County-wide           Vinston Rozier
Tim Benton
Dennis Ray Edwards
District 1                 Gary N. Rhoda
District 2                 Roger Carroll
District 3                 Alan T. West

Clerk of Court         Niki S. Dennis
Register of Deeds  Beverly Parks
Sheriff                    James McVicker
Coroner                  Hubert Kinlaw

District Judges, NC House, NC Senate and US House seats and Bladen Soil & Water Conservation (2 seats), will also be on the ballot.

Filing period expected in February, but with challenges to state and federal voting maps expected, to be determined….

Winners will be sworn-in about a year from now.

If you are considering a ‘run’, time to get serious about getting everything in order.  Visit the Bladen County Board of Elections for details and updates.

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.   John Adams

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.  Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past.  Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.  John F. Kennedy

In politics stupidity is not a handicap.  Napoleon Bonaparte

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