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 WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Pittenger met with constituents and their rescued Doberman dog as well as representatives from the White Coat Waste project, a watchdog group working to end wasteful and unnecessary taxpayer funded experiments on dogs and other animals.


Congressman Pittenger is a co-sponsor of H.R. 3197, the Preventing Unkind and Painful Procedures and Experiments on Respected Species Act (PUPPERS Act). This bipartisan legislation will prohibit the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) from conducting outdated taxpayer funded medical research that causes significant pain or distress to dogs. 


“Every year, the Federal Government allows billions of taxpayer dollars to be spent on cruel and unnecessary experiments on dogs and other animals. To make matters worse, this is all being done without taxpayers’ approval,” said Congressman Pittenger. “Americans would never condone their hard earned dollars being spent on inhumane and unnecessary animal testing. This sort of wasteful and unaccountable government spending must be stopped.”


The PUPPERS Act is supported by numerous veterans groups, such as the Retired Enlisted Association, Military-Veterans Advocacy, the American Military Retirees Association, Jewish War Veterans of the USA, United States Army Warrant Officers Association, VetsFirst and Veterans for Common Sense.

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