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Health and fitness are topics that many of us have confronted. Kellye Fell, daughter of Rotarian Roy Allen, addressed the Elizabethtown Rotary Club about her journey to get healthy and improve her fitness. 

Fell told the club her journey began with a gastric bypass surgery. She said at the time of her surgery, she weighed 350 pounds. As she became more active and began to go to work out following her surgery, she said the weight came off. Fell explained that while she was loosing weight, when she looked in the mirror, she still felt overweight. She said as a result she began to exercise more and was eating less and less, until one day she fainted in a Target store. 

Fell said as she recovered from the incident, she realized she had to change her approach in order to get healthy and stay healthy. She said she began to slowly work out again and is careful with the items she consumes. 

She said now she consumes 1,500 calories per day and she has included a “cheat day” into her routine. Fell explained a “cheat day” is a day where she consumes any foods she wants without restrictions then, the next day, she returns to her routine. 

Fell was asked about consuming carbohydrates. She replied she consumes about 30 carbohydrates per day and her works out usually two hours per day six days per week. Fell explained her work out routine consists of legs one day, cardio another day, and so forth. 

“You have to find what works best for you,” said Fell.

She explained that she has set attainable and reasonable fitness goals for herself, one of which is to enter a body building competition. Fell can also be found working at Healthworks Fitness Center in Elizabethtown and she is a teacher at Emerau:Bladen. 

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