
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday evening, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) addressed the U.S. House of Representatives in honor of Monroe Police Officers Corey Helms and Dylan Cole. The two rookie officers risked their lives to rescue families from a burning home shortly after Christmas.

Click here for full video of Congressman Pittenger’s speech in honor of Monroe, N.C. Police Officers Dylan Cole and Corey Helms.

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of Officers Corey Helms and Dylan Cole of the Monroe, North Carolina Police Department, who on December 26th risked their lives to save two families trapped in a burning home.

“Officer Helms was first to arrive but was pushed back by the thick cloud of smoke. Officer Cole arrived next, and together the two men attempted to find a ladder to rescue the five people trapped on the second floor. Unable to find a ladder, Monroe’s two heroes disregarded their own safety by charging into the burning home and up the stairs before carrying and guiding the two families to safety.

“Officers Corey Helms and Dylan Cole are living examples of what it means to serve and to protect. Please join me in honoring these two brave officers, and all the men and women of the Monroe Police Department, who work on our behalf every day. God bless them.”

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