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Sen. Thom Tillis

TILLIS: “Democrats are justifying their support of a shutdown by creating arbitrary deadlines and demanding an immediate vote on the ‘Gang of Six’ immigration bill. It’s a disingenuous partisan political stunt considering they know full well that a vote would fail in both chambers, a result that would make a successful deal even harder to achieve moving forward. It’s even more disingenuous since they haven’t even introduced the bill or legislative text yet. It’s impossible to vote on a bill that doesn’t exist…. All members should look in a mirror and ask themselves if they’re in Congress to make a point or to make a difference. If they truly want to make a difference, they should stop their saber rattling, vote to fund the government, and then roll up their sleeves and get to work on bipartisan solutions. If they’re just here to make a point, they should quit their day job and become a cable news contributor.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) issued the following statement:

“A government shutdown would be a disaster for our nation, harming seniors, veterans, our brave men and women in uniform, and children who depend on CHIP.

“Let’s be clear: nearly every single Republicans is voting to keep the government open. Any Republican who would consider voting for a shutdown would be voting to stop President Trump’s agenda dead in its tracks. There’s nothing conservative about that.

“Democrats are justifying their support for a shutdown by creating arbitrary deadlines and demanding an immediate vote on the ‘Gang of Six’ immigration bill. It’s a disingenuous partisan political stunt considering they know full well that a vote would fail in both chambers, a result that would make a successful deal even harder to achieve moving forward. It’s even more disingenuous since they haven’t even introduced the bill or legislative text yet. It’s impossible to vote on a bill that doesn’t exist.

“Funding the government and protecting the American people who need help the most should be a higher priority than participating in partisan political stunts.

“All members should look in a mirror and ask themselves if they’re in Congress to make a point or to make a difference. If they truly want to make a difference, they should stop their saber rattling, vote to fund the government, and then roll up their sleeves and get to work on bipartisan solutions. If they’re just here to make a point, they should quit their day job and become a cable news contributor.”

Last night, Senator Tillis also delivered a Senate floor speech on the consequences of a government shutdown. You can view his remarks by clicking here.

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