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Dr. Mark Harris

While most Americans were asleep last night, Congress passed a massive spending bill further mortgaging the future of our kids and grandkids. Every special interest was funded in this budget that left Chuck Schumer and Democrats walking away smiling. It’s unfathomable that even funding for Planned Parenthood was included after a promise from Republicans in Congress to defund them after all the controversy that they reportedly kept babies alive to harvest their organs.

While nearly every Republican Member of the US House from North and South Carolina stood up against this reckless and irresponsible measure, our Congressman from the 9th district, Robert Pittenger, showed us yet again why he is constantly rated as one of the most liberal Republicans in Congress. He has once again sided against North Carolina conservatives like Virginia Foxx, Richard Hudson, Mark Walker, Ted Budd, and Mark Meadows. As a matter of fact, out of the 10 Republicans in the NC delegation, only 2 of them went along with continuing to bankrupt our economic future. Sadly, Robert Pittenger was one of those two. As usual, he is running for cover and blaming the “process” for his vote.

This is another example of why the 9th district needs an active voice to be an advocate for fiscal responsibility and stand up for the conservative principles our nation was founded on. We don’t need a weak representative who will blindly follow orders from House leadership and special interests.

Every day when I meet with voters, I hear a consistent message, “Enough is enough! It’s time for Republicans to start acting like Republicans again.” Stand with me to send a message to the Washington Establishment that we will not sit by and watch them continue to spend our country into bankruptcy.

Enough is enough!


Mark Harris

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