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The Farm Service Agency encourages producers to consider USDA crop risk protection options:

Federal Crop Insurance obtained from a Crop Insurance Sales Agent.

Federal crop insurance covers crop losses from natural adversities such as drought, hail and excessive moisture. The deadline to obtain coverage for spring planted corn, sweet corn and tobacco is March 15th. http://ctfarmrisk.uconn.edu/

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage is available through your County FSA Office.

NAP covers losses from natural disasters on crops for which no federal crop insurance program is available, including perennial grass forage and grazing crops, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, floriculture, organic, ornamental nursery, aquaculture, turf grass, ginseng, honey, syrup, bioenergy, and industrial crops  

Free NAP catastrophic coverage is available to beginning, underserved, and limited resource farmers; as well as discounted premiums for additional levels of protection. 

The NAP deadline to sign up for coverage of spring planted crops is March 15th.

To learn more about NAP visit www.fsa.usda.gov/nap or contact your local USDA Service Center at http://offices.usda.gov

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