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The North Carolina House of Representatives passed House Bill 90 by a vote of 104-12, after the Senate voted to move the measure last week. House Bill 90 was introduced by the House and aims to address the needed funding for school districts bill to lower class size in hopes of better educating our children., House Bill 90 will direct over $60 million in funds to schools primarily in the eastern part of the state, with Robeson County receiving over $7.5 million. A significant portion of the funding for H90 comes from funds received from Duke Energy and Dominion Energy in the announcement of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s construction through eastern North Carolina. While Governor Cooper has described this as a “voluntary contribution,” Democratic lawmaker Rep. Pricey Harrison (Guilford) has described it as “a condition of getting the permit granted.”

“Gov. Cooper’s obtainment of $57.8 million in a pay-for- play scheme with large energy companies so he can create a slush fund for his own special interest projects concerned me when I learned of it. Under the North Carolina State Constitution only the North Carolina General Assembly has the power of the purse,” said Rep. Brenden Jones. “I spoke with Speaker Moore in favor of using the funds to meet a pressing need in our community, which is meeting needs for funding to create smaller class sizes. Using the allotment of over $7.5 million from H90 Robeson County will be able to invest in more teachers and classroom support and give our students a further tailored education they deserve.

“Under previous Democratic leadership North Carolina experienced pay-for- play politics, and our economy was hampered by our predecessors lack of planning and cronyism. When we experienced the recession in 2008 North Carolina under Democratic leadership was not prepared, and the voters rightfully elected Republicans. Under Republican leadership we have eliminated pay-for- play schemes, increased our savings reserves in case of recession or natural disasters, and raised teacher pay for four years in a row. I’m proud to have been a voice for using these funds to give our community further investment and support,” Rep. Jones added.

“As Majority Freshman Whip, Rep. Brenden Jones is an invaluable member of our leadership in the state House responsible for directing these funds to the Public Schools of Robeson County,” said House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland). “His active involvement throughout this process signals his commitment to serving as a strong voice for eastern North Carolina schools.”

House Bill 90 will now be sent to Gov. Cooper’s desk for him to sign.

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