Spread the love

By Erin Smith

A social media post from 2015 is recirculating and causing a fire storm of controversy on the campus of UNC-Pembroke. A Snapchat post from 2015 depicting a UNC Pembroke student in “black face” has resurfaced and is now being shared on various social media platforms.

There are commenters who are urging users to make the post “go viral,” but some are taking it too far by posting threats against the student.

UNC Pembroke Chancellor Robin Cummings sent an email to students on Wednesday stating the post is “inconsistent with the school’s values” and due to privacy issues, the school is not allowed to comment on any disciplinary action that may have been taken.

Chancellor Cummings statement and the offending Snapchat post were shared with BladenOnline.com by a concerned student. Cummings full statement reads:

“I am deeply troubled by the social media post from 2015 that is recirculating online. The post is wholly inconsistent with UNCP’s values of diversity and inclusion.

The social media post was reviewed by the Division of Student Affairs as soon as it was reported. The university is prohibited from releasing the findings of such investigations and any resulting disciplinary action due to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

I understand the intense reaction the social media post has generated at UNCP, which is proudly one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the nation. The reaction reflects the importance our campus community places on diversity and inclusion, and it is my hope this incident will lead to constructive dialogue and greater understanding.”

The University’s Student Code of Conduct reads:

“Faculty and students “share in the responsibility for maintaining an environment in which academic freedom flourishes and in which the rights of each member of the academic community are respected.” Students, specifically, must conduct “themselves in a manner that helps to enhance an environment of learning in which the rights, dignity, worth, and freedom of each member of the academic community are respected.”

The Code of Conduct does indicate if a student is found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct it can lead to disciplinary action.

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