
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

CHARLOTTE – Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) reflected today on the life and impact of Dr. Billy Graham, whom he had known since 1971.


“Billy Graham was a remarkably humble man, instantly recognizable around the world but fully aware that his success was not his own.  Even in his final months, confined by the bonds of old age, his focus remained on telling others about the love of Jesus.  While we mourn, I am convinced he very much looked forward to this day when he finally met his Savior face to face.


“Billy Graham’s message that God loves us and offers us new life was so simple, yet it powerfully impacted millions of lives around the world.


“In 1971, I first met Billy Graham while serving as his caddy at the Byron Nelson Golf Classic.  He was playing with Bob Hope, Arnold Palmer, and Gerald Ford.  Later, he graciously presented me with a Bible as a thank you gift which I still use today in my Congressional office.


“During the 1970s, I worked with Dr. Graham and his team on many occasions while serving as Assistant to Dr. Bill Bright, who was President of Campus Crusade for Christ.  After entering the business world, I continued to work behind-the-scenes on several of Dr. Graham’s ministry projects and to work with Franklin Graham to support persecuted Christians around the world.


“Suzanne and I feel blessed to have known Mr. Graham, to have participated in his ministry in a small way, and to have been inspired by his life and message.  We extend our deepest sympathy to the Graham family and pray God will comfort them.


“Billy Graham finished faithfully.  His legacy is not fame or statistics, but faithfulness to his calling.”

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