Health Grades
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By Cheryl Thurston

Health GradesSo long, February. You were short, but sweet. You started with warm temperatures, even though Punxsutawney Phil called for more winter. You brought us sweets for the lovers, sales for the presidents, and lots of important Black History. I’ve often wondered why the maker of the calendar didn’t just take an extra day from a couple of the 31 day months to make February as long as the others. But I digress.

The good folks at the Bladen County Health Department didn’t mind the shortness of February though. They went right on with their inspections of the kitchens, cafeterias, and restaurants we love to visit. Without their efforts, we would have no way to regulate or enforce sanitation standards in our public eateries. Each month those inspectors send the reports of their findings to news agencies like BladenOnline.com, and BladenOnline.com publishes their reports to you, as a service to our community, because we care about your health and safety.

Surely, all of your Valentine’s candy is gone by now and you will be getting hungry again soon. Check out the list below to see if your favorite place was inspected in February, and find out how well they did. You can be sure the students at West Bladen are very happy. Their cafeteria achieved 100 percent. It’s always good to know the system is working, even in a small community like ours. So pick a place on the list and enjoy your meal. Bon Appitité.

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