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By: Tori Chestnutt

Parents have an obligation to their child to ensure their safely. One growing concern according to many is the increase in sex crimes throughout North Carolina. According to stopitnow.org 88% of sexual abuse is never reported. Here are six tips to help parents safeguard their kids from sexual abuse.




1)     Education your children on stranger danger.

2)     Create a safe word for when your child feels in danger.

3)    Teach your children to not take things from strangers no matter how tasty or fun it looks. 

4)     Utilize the buddy system at all times.

5)     Listen to your children when they say they have a sticky feeling.

6)     Keep communication open between you and your children.


It is important to keep a check in your area on who is a sex offender for you and your childs’ protection. For more information and detail on who is a local sex offender in our Bladen area visit https://tinyurl.com/y9xxmtah .

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