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Bladen is a busy place….So many activities for a rural county…Check our Events section…..
Had the pleasure of “playing” auctioneer for East Bladen Duck’s Unlimited last night…A fun night…The students and their leaders worked hard and had lots of support at their Annual fund-raiser…We see so much bad on TV and read about it in our newspapers…and then we see those in the area doing good things..staying busy with lots of support from their families…Our leaders of the future are being molded at an early age…..
The usual monthly governmental meetings are on the agenda….It is a tough time for many, personally and as a body, because it is budget time…If money were plentiful, would not be such a task….We, like most around us, are a poor county with limited resources and many needs….and we expect our elected officials to perform miracles….
Berries are either ready or soon to be…Guess strawberries arrive before blueberries….Growing up when tobacco was king, still difficult to believe blueberries are the #1 crop in the county……We are thankful for the berries and those who grow them…
Yesterday was a beautiful day….and today is expected to be better..Highs near 80, lot of sunshine and very little breeze…
Difficult to explain a nap…..after lunch…
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.   Emily Dickinson
In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.  Doug Larson
The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring.  Albert Laighton
robert g hester

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