Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingToday, one of Bladen’s finest steps down as a Captain with the Sheriff’s department and begins a new career.  Friends, family and co-workers honored Capt. Jeff Bridgers on his retirement at a ‘party in his honor’ yesterday.  His retirement is effective at the end of the day, today.  Among the tributes was the awarding of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, one of the highest awards by the Governor of North Carolina.  Rep. William Brisson actually made the presentation.  Bridgers has spend 30 years, rising through the ranks to serve as Captain for the past many years.  He will be missed.  Understand he will begin a new career, as a Bladen County grape grower.  New boss, despite her constant denials, is Denise, his longtime, supportive spouse.  Congratulations to Captain Bridgers.

Some of my best memories go back to those I came in contact with in Little League baseball, coaches and players.  Today, in this area, the name has changed to Dixie Youth and is going strong.  But in the 60s, 70s and into the 80s, it was Little League, and I had the pleasure of coaching many youngsters, many who have gone on to bigger and better things.  Recently Darrell McDowell, one of my second basemen over my14 year coaching career, was honored as the Philadelphia, Pa representative for a state award for service to youth.  I understand the Philadelphia reps were edged out by Pittsburgh, but Darrell McDowell is a winner, in Little League and no doubt in his work with youth in the PA area.  Congratulations, sir.

Friends of the Alvin Butler family  are sponsoring a fundraiser for Mr. Butler who recently lost his home, his wife and all his belongings in a fire in the West Bladen High School/Center Roads area of the county.  Several churches in the area are spear-heading the event.  The fundraiser will be held at Center Roads Baptist Church April 21, from 11 AM until.  BBQ plates will be available, donation only.  Cakes and other desserts will also be available, all prepared by locals and all proceeds will benefit the Mr. Butler.  Call 874-3531 for more info.  If you can’t attend, you can make a donation.  Bladen citizens do a great job of responding when there is a need.  No doubt the efforts of locals in the area will carry on that tradition.

To Capt. Bridgers and to Mr. McDowell, congratulations and to supporters of the Butler event, God Bless.

Remember Sunday is Easter, a very special day in the life of Christians everywhere.

Bladen’s newest crop appears to be political signs, sprouting all across the county.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.  Mahatma Gandhi

To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.  Douglas Adams

The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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