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BCC asking Bladen County Commissioners for FundingBladen Community College presented their 2015-2016 county budget request Monday evening.  The request totaled $874,877 compared to $765,803 last year or about $110,000 increase for current operating expense.  
President William Findt pointed out that many of the line items were similar to the current year budget.
It was noted that there was a large increase in property insurance due to the high cost of equipment inventory.
Other increases related to more security and an additional custodian.  Currently, the college has just 2 custodians for the entire school.
A 2% increase in salaries and benefits to match what the school is hopeful of receiving from the state.  Most salaries are paid for by the state, but employees paid for by the county would not be included in any state salary increase.
The total capital outlay request includes a new $6 million building.  Dr. Findt pointed out that request came when state officials ask what the college needed for capital improvement.  He also pointed out that an application has been made to the Golden Leaf Foundation for a portion of the cost and a decision is expected in June.
Other capital needs included repair or replacement of sidewalks, roof replacement for the Administration building, repair or replace gutters and downspouts and replace siding on the East Arcadia Center.
He also pointed out that a chemistry lab was needed.  Currently, there is only one lab for all students.
Dr. Findt pointed out that Bladen Community College is ranked the 4th lowest for county funding in the state.  That is an increase from the time he arrived at the school when it was 2nd from the bottom in local funding.
“I believe we have made good use of funds over the years,” he added. 
BCC Board Chairman, Dennis Troy also ask for the Board to do all possible to make sure Bladen County students can attend BCC and receive a good education.
Chairman Charles Ray Peterson said commissioners will soon begin their budget deliberations and would be back in touch with the school.

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