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NC DOTRALEIGH – As the weather warms up and more people hit the roads, there’s a greater chance drivers will encounter a work zone. The safety of motorists and construction crews is the top priority of the department, and wants to ensure everyone makes it home tonight.

Last year, there were more than 7,200 crashes and 38 deaths in work zones across North Carolina. Distracted driving and speeding were the primary causes of the crashes. To help save lives, Gov. Roy Cooper has declared April as Work Zone Safety Awareness Month, and April 9-13 as Work Zone Safety Awareness Week.

“Every year we have people working on a road who never come home because they’ve been hit in a work zone or injured in some way by inattentive motorists or, in most cases, speeding,” said Mark Ezzell, Governor’s Highway Safety Program Director. “We want to make sure that does not happen in North Carolina this year.”

Motorists are asked to “Drive Smart. Do Your Part.” when driving in a work zone by following these tips to stay safe:
• Don’t tailgate the car in front of you;
• Pay close attention to signs and work zone flaggers;
• Obey the posted speed limits in and around a work zone; and
• Do not change lanes.

For more tips, visit NCDOT’s zone safety website.


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