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FAYETTEVILLE – Deanna Glus, a junior at Massey Hill Classical High School, is winner of the 2018 Congressional Art Competition.  Her watercolor, titled “A Hometown Feeling,” was judged best entry in a selection process that included a professional artist, community input, and Congressman Pittenger’s staff. 

Marcy Gregg, a highly-sought professional artist from Charlotte, commented that “A Hometown Feeling” features “wonderful line work.”  Community input included a suggestion that the artwork be used as a billboard and “great use of perspective and color balance.” 

As winner, Ms. Glus’ artwork will be displayed in a busy corridor of the U.S. Capitol for one year.  She’ll also receive a scholarship offer from a prestigious southern arts university and two complimentary airline tickets to fly to Washington to attend a reception in her honor. 

“This impressive watercolor captures the beauty and spirit of Fayetteville,” said Congressman Pittenger.  “We will proudly hang this in one of the busiest corridors of the U.S. Capitol, where Members of Congress and thousands of visitors will be able to see it each day.  Congratulations to Ms. Glus, and thank you to every student who entered.  Over 40,000 people viewed your artwork, and we are proud of each one of you.”

An album displaying all 29 entries is available on Congressman Pittenger’s Facebook page (Facebook.com/CongressmanPittenger).  The 2018 Congressional Art Competition is carried out at no expense to the Federal Government.  All expenses are provided locally in the community.


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