Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingCity and county governments are wrestling with proposed budgets for FY 2018/19.  Not an easy task.  Just about every department could use more resources ($s) in their efforts to better serve the public, but leaders must determine what is needed to maintain current level of support, plus new expenses, and what their constitutes can afford.  It’s a balancing act.

Local budgets must be approved prior to July 1, 2018.

State leaders are back in Raleigh, re-adjusting their previously approved biennial budgets.

Good news from White Lake town officials, the treatments applied to the lake appear to have been successful, just in time for the 40th Annual White Lake Water Festival, scheduled for this weekend.

Remember when the festival was the Blueberry Festival, mmmm, my guess in late 60s and well into the 1970s.  A Blueberry Festival is now celebrated in Ammon and has been for 20 plus years, this year it will be held on June 2nd.

Annual meeting of the Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce will be held on June 19, more info on the way.

My computer appeared to be on the ‘blink’, as last resort, decided to contact Star TMC about renting new router, wow, computer has come back to life.  In fact, computer and operator are now doing much better, thanks to Gordon, our experienced service rep.

Lord, we need rain, the farmers need rain, our lawns need rain, but Lord, please bring the rain before 10AM, Saturday, don’t need rain on Water Festival Parade.  That’s the way we operate, all about me and my needs.  Sorry Lord.  Do as you see best, and thanks for our many blessings.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is not path and leave a trail.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.  John C. Maxwell

We know what we are, but not what we may be.  William Shakespeare

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