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The first confirmed case of Laurel Wilt in Sassafras has been found in the Greenevers area of Duplin County.  This occurrence was found while examining areas affected by laurel wilt with personnel from both the US Forest Service and NC State University.  An area of approximately 20 trees showed signs of dieback, evidence of ambrosia beetles, and the characteristic vascular streaking associated with the disease.  Samples collected from this site were confirmed by two different labs using multiple techniques.  Additionally, forest health staff have visually confirmed laurel wilt in sassafras in other areas.  This is the northernmost known occurrence of laurel wilt in sassafras although it has been confirmed in 5 additional states.

The range of sassafras extends through most of our eastern forests while red bay, the predominant host, is a southeastern coastal plain species.   This leads to the potential for laurel wilt to be found in any county in North Carolina.  The appearance of the disease in sassafras is characterized by top dieback, early fall color, and leaves possibly falling at abnormal times of the year.  It may not hold wilted foliage for a long period of time as red bay does.  See the attached photographs of the disease in this species.  Please monitor your work area for sassafras that may be suffering from this disease and let forest health personnel know if you need assistance with diagnosis.   For additional information on laurel wilt see the FAQ page for the disease on our website HERE.  You may also view Kelly Oten’s Blog article on this find HERE.  As a note of caution:  Please disinfect any tools used to sample suspected trees for any disease with 70% alcohol or 10% bleach solution prior to using that tool on any other tree.  Continue to spread the word-Don’t Move Firewood!

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