Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingAt White Lake today, celebrating a birthday, without the pleasure of her company.  Actually, my mom’s birthday was June 4th, but she departed the scene several years ago, so we celebrate her life by getting together and sharing memories.

Miss Myrtle had 6 children.  Today, her off-springs range in age from mid 60s to near 80.  All, with some of their families, will be at White Lake, where we have celebrated for many years, a place where mom came from time to time.  Actually invited members of her Sunday School class at Zion Hill Baptist Church a time or two.

Some grandchildren and great, even great-great grandchildren cannot attend due to other commitments, but all her children will be present.

Speaking of White Lake, it’s a special place. I remember my first visit, as a 4h’er when I was maybe 10-12 years old.  The 4H camp was on the north side of the lake, was later sold and now a mobile home park.

Came later with an older friend who owned a motor boat, and he allowed me to operate it, all alone…scary as I think back.

As a young DJ at WBLA, we broadcast from Goldston’s Beach, and later covered a Water Festival parade from a rooftop near Goldstons.  And, for the past 20 or more years have enjoyed summer weekends and special occasions  at the lake.

So many good memories, but none more special than celebrating mom’s birthday with siblings and their families,  usually the first week of June.

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.  Desmond Tutu

Family is not an important thing.  It’s everything.   Michael J. Fox

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.  George Santayana

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