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Consolidated operations will make Richmond County safer

Rockingham, N.C. – Eric Boyette, secretary of the North Carolina Department of Information Technology and chair of the state’s NC 911 Board, helped Richmond County open its new 911 center Wednesday.

“I’m proud that the 911 Board played a part in making this community safer, and I look forward to seeing how this investment pays off for the people of Richmond County,” said Boyette, who delivered opening remarks at a dedication ceremony Wednesday. “Supporting our emergency responders, law enforcement, fire and rescue so they can provide great service to our citizens is a very important responsibility. This is a great day for everyone who lives in this community.”

The $8 million project will consolidate 911 operations for Richmond County with the sheriff’s department and the police departments for Hamlet and Rockingham. The new Public Safety Answering Point, or PSAP, will have enhanced capabilities that will allow law enforcement to see details of 911 calls and how they are assigned. The agencies will also be able to share information such as warrants and arrest records more easily. A new automatic vehicle location service will allow emergency communicators to assign the closest vehicles to incidents and know the physical locations of vehicles even when law enforcement officers are unable to communicate.

“Richmond County is a prime example of how jurisdictions can think outside the box to improve and enhance 911 service delivery to citizens and visitors across multiple localities,” said Pokey Harris, executive director of the 911 Board. “I encourage PSAPs across the state to look at what Richmond County has done as a model for the next generation of public safety and emergency services as we all consider ways to embrace advancing technology and maximize available funding.”

The 911 Board provided a $6.35 million grant for the project. The board is housed within the state Department of Information Technology.

The N.C. 911 Board is responsible for both wireline and wireless 911 communications in the state, as well as related policies and procedures, and it administers the state’s 911 Fund. The fund is used to support equipment purchases for all 911 centers in the state. The board is housed with the N.C. Department of Information Technology.

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