Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingMust admit I get a little excited when a local youngster is drafted in MLB, NFL, NBA, or any other sport, or as in PGA, where you arrive because you have paid your dues and earned it.

Congratulations to Sincere “Skippy” Smith, East Bladen graduate, or soon will be.  He was recently drafted by the New York Yankees in the 32nd round, the 967th pick in the 2018 MLB draft.  It’s an honor, a well deserved honor.  He is one of a very few who will have that opportunity.

The Hester’s enjoyed the ride many, many years ago.  The highs are offset by the lows, but think of the millions of youngsters who would give anything to be selected by any team.

So it was the 32nd round.  Older sports fans will remember Mike Piazza, a 62nd round pick in the 1988 draft, he was the 1390th player selected.  In 1992 he was Rookie of the Year in MLB playing for the LA Dodgers, if memory is correct.  He was an All Star for 10 consecutive years and in 2016 was elected to the MLB Hall of Fame, receiving 83% of the votes cast.  GOOGLE Mike Piazza for more information.

“Skippy” may be the next Piazza, he may not be, but hope he enjoys the trip.  It’s a trip few make and many would give ‘their right arm’ for the opportunity.  We will follow with great interest.  Again, Congratulations ‘Skippy’.

Congratulations to all the graduates who will move on to continue their education and some will have the opportunity to play a sport.  One of the latest is Brooks McGill, another East Bladen High grad, who will attend Cape Fear Community College and play soccer.  We wish him well.

I wish I had played team sports.  I think every kid should. Teamwork builds character – teaches people about leadership and cooperation. Mo Rocca

I think team sports probably teach you more about giving – about being unselfish and being flexible.  Chris Evert

Baseball is a team sport played by individuals for themselves.  Joe Torre

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