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This Day In History1619 – House of Burgesses, Virginia forms, 1st elective American governing body.

1739 – Casper Wistar begins glass manufacturing in Allowaystown, New Jersey.

1869 – The Charles, considered the world’s first “oil tanker”, departs from the United States headed for Europe with a bulk capacity of 7,000 barrels of oil.

1889 – Start of Sherlock Holmes adventure “Naval Treaty” (BG)

1909 – Wright Brothers deliver 1st military plane to the army.

1928 – George Eastman shows first amateur color motion pictures to guests at his New York house including Thomas Edison.

1935 – 1st Penquin book is published, starting the paperback revolution.

1942 – FDR signs bill creating women’s Navy auxiliary agency (WAVES)

1944 – US 30th division reaches suburbs of St-Lo Normandy.

1948 – Professional wrestling premieres on prime-time network (Dumont)

1951 – Ty Cobb testifies before the Emanuel Celler committee, denying that the reserve clause makes peons of baseball players.

1956 – US motto “In God We Trust” authorized.

1964 – US naval fire on Hon Ngu/Hon Mo, North Vietnam.

1965 – LBJ signs Medicare bill, which goes into effect in 1966.

1974 – House Judiciary Committee votes on 3rd and last charge of “high crimes & misdemeanors” to impeach President Nixon in the Watergate cover-up.

1975 – US Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa disappears in suburban Detroit; Hoffa legally declared dead in 1982.

1982 – Atlanta Braves remove Chief Noc-A-Homa to make room for more seats.

1990 – The first Saturn automobile rolls off the assembly line.

2002 – The accounting law referred to as “The Sarbanes Oxley Act” signed into law by President George W. Bush.

2013 – Wikileaks discloser Bradley {later Chelsea} Manning convicted of 17 espionage charges.

2017 – Russian President Vladimir Putin announces American diplomats in Russia cut by 755 in response to American sanctions.

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