Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingA reminder of the Joey Taylor fundraiser from 5PM-7PM today at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church.  Bake Ziti plates for $10 each and there will be a Silent Auction.  Joey has been battling a serious illness for over two years.  But for the grace of the good Lord, could be anyone of us.  Nothing quiet like a community coming together to show one of our own that we care.

That’s what makes Bladen County special.  We see it several times a year at different locations across the county.  Today, it’s in Elizabethtown and a huge turnout would be wonderful.  Contributions are welcomed.

July has been a huge month for BladenOnline.  The folks who monitor and crunch the numbers provide the proof.

For July, BladenOnline had the second most page views for a month and the third most visits in our 10 1/2 year history.  The site set a record for users this month, (58,158)

Year over year, page views were up 48 percent, visits were up 53 percent and users were up 43 percent.  Just the facts.

Visits are the number of times the site was accessed by a “person”

Users are the numbers of different “people” who access the site within the period.

For example, if you visited the site one time each day in July that would be 31 visits, but it would be only one user.

July 2018: 685,897
July 2017: 468,586
Change: 46 percent increase

July 2018: 141,527
July 2017: 92,440
Change: 53 percent increase

745,582: October 2017
685,897: July 2018
684,096: April 2018

142,381: October 2016
141,580: August 2016
141,527: July 2018

16,716: Judge apologizes for not being fair in hog industry lawsuit
15,801: Bladen County magistrate arrested by Robeson County Sheriff’s Office
14,801: Search warrants in Bladenboro and Dublin uncover drugs, money and weapons
10,629: Opinion – Hog trial misleading, living high on the hog isn’t for everyone

The proof is in the puddin’, we have all heard that I am sure.  Our proof is in our numbers.  And, THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

Your advertising dollar reaches more Bladen County residents daily on BladenOnline than any other source.  Our numbers provide the proof.  We live here, work here and cover Bladen County from east to west and north to south.


The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.  Dalai Lama

What makes me happy is the appreciation of people around me.  Nadia Comaneci

All the appreciation we receive is very encouraging and pushes us to do better.  RGH

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