Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingHats off to BladenOnline’s Charlotte Smith for her coverage of the trials related to the hog industry.  That is not an easy task, sitting and sitting and listening.  Very time consuming.

One final reminder of the fundraiser today for David “Punk” Johnson, all day long at Merritt Brothers business location, 8906 NC highway east, White Lake.  BBQ chicken plates on sale for $8 a plate.  “Punk” suffered a stroke while driving a log truck and is partially paralyzed.  Everyone is invited.  Donations are welcomed.  Neighbors helping a neighbor.

East Bladen Booster Club meeting planned for Tuesday, August 7th at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Activity Center at 5:30 PM.  It’s a new school year, more opportunities to get involved.

MacKenzie Gore, the former Whiteville Wolfpacker, is rounding into form after a setback when he suffered blisters on his pitching hand during the first half of this season.  He is in Fort Wayne, Indiana, pitching for the Tincaps, a San Diego Padres farm team.  Last outing this week, pitched 5 innings, allowed 2 hits, gave up no runs and struck out 8, no decision.  He is still 1-4 on the season, but his ERA has dropped from 6.75 in June, to 2.48.  He has pitched 40 innings, recorded 54 strikeouts, allowed 26 hits, gave up 22 runs and 14 base on balls.

East Bladen’s Sincere Smith has had a hit in each of his last two games.  Wednesday, August 1, he was 1-3.  He has 19 at bats, 2 hits and one RBI in limited playing time.  Difficult to gain much confidence with so little playing time.  But, he is ‘coming around’.

Weather forecast for today, about the same as yesterday, cloudy, cool and some rain is expected.

A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.  Proverbs 16:28.

Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor.  Romans 22:10.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no other commandment greater than these.  Mark 12:31.

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