Town Of Elizabethtown
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By Erin Smith

Town Of ElizabethtownThe Elizabethtown Town Council met on Monday and heard from Ms. Grimes, who resides on Hill Street, regarding drainage problems at 402 Hill Street.

Ms. Grimes told the board she had spoken with Public Works Director Hugh Bedsole regarding the issue. She told the board she was informed the storm drain in front of her house is “…stopped up.”

Bedsole was out of town and did not attend the meeting, but Assistant Town Manager, Pat DeVane, did address the board regarding the situation. He explained the drainage issue at Ms. Grimes’ home has been ongoing for several years, and the town has attempted to rectify the problem.

DeVane told the board Ms. Grimes’ property is the lowest home on the street, and due to gravity the water tends to flow towards her yard. He said there is a storm drain located at Ms. Grimes’ property.

“We are trying to do some things to help,” said DeVane.

He said the town has removed debris from a ditch where the storm water runs. He also said the Elizabethtown Fire Department took a fire truck out to Hill Street, and attempted to flush the storm drain to remove any debris that may have been in the drain.

Ms. Grimes said she had not received an update on the situation or what had been done since she spoke with Bedsole a couple of weeks ago.

The Council directed DeVane to ask Bedsole to meet with Ms. Grimes and give her an update of the work that has been completed.

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