Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Bladen County Commissioners meet Monday, 6:30 PM usual meeting place, lower level of the Courthouse. The meeting is open to the pubic.

I always enjoy checking budget info.  Total budget for the year is over $44 million, nearly $23 million paid for by property taxes, nearly $6 million from Local Option Sales Taxes and over $7 million is pretty much pass-thru dollars supporting DSS, Health Department and Public Education from state and federal sources.

Tax notices are prepared after Commissioners approve the budget, usually late June, then mailed late July or early August.  With all that said, over $1 million or about 5.25% of property taxes were paid in July. Taxes paid before August 31 receive a ‘whopping’ one percent discount. Taxes are due in September and penalty added next January.  I am amazed around the end of the year when folks complain about property taxes coming due around Christmas time…NO, repeating, they are due in September, and the penalty is added around the first of the year.

Think for a moment about who or what 3 or 4, maybe people, issues or events do you recall that changed your world or could have changed your world.

I could name a few who changed my world, first being my family…but others who assisted or gave me a break (chance) that changed my life, and a couple of opportunities that could have, but I did not pursue.  Bet we all can look back and say, I should have or I am happy I did not pursue…..or I wish I had done so and so….decisions, decisions….I am happy where I am, where I have been, and where I live.  I am not perfect, done some ‘dumb’ things, but ‘at peace with myself’ at this stage of my life.  I report to my spouse and have no one reporting to me…

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.  Charles R. Swindell

Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.  Matt Cameron

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.  Hubert Humphrey

robert g hester

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