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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) delivered his opening remarks during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Click HERE to watch the video.

 Tillis on Senate Democrats’ stall tactics:

“We have had nearly every member in the minority on this committee either publicly state or participate in a press conference that they were going to vote against Judge Kavanaugh, with most of them announcing it within the first 24 hours. Now, they are asking for thousands of pages of documents, and they have been graciously provided those by Chairman Grassley. These members have had plenty of time to get through the documents, they are just trying to find stall tactics because they already know they are going to vote against him.”


Tillis on Judge Kavanaugh’s Qualifications:

“I think we have before us an eminently qualified judge, and I am personally insulted when members on the other side of the aisle suggest I am complicit in evil if I support the nominee. I am glad Judge Kavanaugh is before us, he has more than 300 opinions the members can review to ask about his legal knowledge and constitutional understanding. These opinions are the single most important factor on his resume, and I hope my colleagues have taken the time to review these cases.”


Tillis on Judge Kavanaugh’s Record:

“Moving forward, I hope we stop the theater and talk about what is really meaningful here. I believe Judge Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, and I have no doubt on the court he will write opinions that I don’t agree with because Congress failed to find a law-abiding solution. I think if people objectively look at his record, they are going to be hard-pressed to find that he doesn’t have the experience needed to be a justice on the Supreme Court.”

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