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This Day In History

1774 – Twelve of the thirteen American colonies adopt a trade embargo with Britain at the first Continental Congress at Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1795 – USA and Algiers sign peace treaty.

1834 – Sam Houston elected President of the Republic of Texas.

1862 – General Lee crosses Potomac & enters Maryland.

1863 – Bread revolt in Mobile, Alabama.

1885 – 1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer (Ft Wayne, Ind)

1905 – The Treaty of Portsmouth is signed concluding the Russo-Japanese War; US President Theodore Roosevelt will receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his role as mediator.

1914 – US President Woodrow Wilson orders US Navy to make its wireless stations accessible for any transatlantic communications-even to German diplomats sending coded messages; leads to interception of the Zimmerman telegram, helping bring the US into the war.

1925 – 112 degrees (F), Centerville, Alabama (state record)

1939 – FDR declares US neutrality at start of WW II in Europe.

1942 – British & US bomb Le Havre & Bremen.

1953 – 1st privately operated atomic reactor-Raleigh, NC.

1958 – “Doctor Zhivago” novel by Boris Pasternak published in US.

1958 – “The Huckleberry Hound Show” by Hanna-Barbera featuring Yogi Bear premieres on US TV.

1961 – US President JFK signs law against hijacking (death penalty)

1975 – First Assassination attempt on US President Gerald Ford by Lynette Fromme in Sacramento.

1978 – Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter begin Egypt-Israel peace conference at Camp David.

1989 – Deborah Norville becomes news anchor of Today Show.

2015 – US health officials confirm a salmonella outbreak liked to cucumbers from Mexico is responsible for 1 death and for making hundreds sick.

2017 – Hurricane Irma becomes the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricane in recorded history with winds of 185 mph.

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