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The IGA grocery store in Dublin was packed Monday afternoon with residents preparing for Hurricane Florence. The storm strengthened to a Category 4 Major hurricane on Monday afternoon.

Emergency Management officials are encouraging Bladen County residents to begin making their final preparations for the storm which is forecast to impact North Carolina on Thursday. ReadyNC.org offers tips on assembling your Emergency Kit.

*The time to put an emergency kit together is before a disaster.

*An emergency kit is a container of items your family may need in or after an emergency. Most of the items can be found in your house.

*It is important to put them in one place. Be sure every family member knows where the kit is kept.

*You need to put enough water, food and supplies in your kit for three to seven day for each person and pet.

*You may be on your own for hours or even days after a disaster. Fire fighters and police cannot always reach everyone quickly. Basic services like water, gas, power, sewage treatment and phones may be not work for many days or more.

*Being ready for an emergency helps you and your family to survive. It also allows police, fire fighters and emergency medical workers to help those who need it most.

You can find other valuable information to assist you in preparing for Hurricane Florence at ReadyNC.org.

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