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By Charlotte Smith

On Wednesday morning Bladen County Deputy Fire Marshal, Chase Lancaster, started the morning briefing stating there was a positive sign. The flood waters from the Cape Fear River are looking better.

Lancaster stated Bladen County Lock and Dam No. 3 has crested and Lock and Dam No. 2 is expected to crest today.

The Lock and Dam in Kelly may break a record tomorrow after it crests, according to Lancaster.

There have been a total of 147 life threatening rescues in addition to the rescues made that were not life threatening in Bladen County. There have been more rescues made this morning, according to Lancaster.

As Lancaster went around the room calling on those in attendance the following updates were mentioned by officials:

*The shelters are down to housing around 250 people

*Today’s forecast: the weather will be beautiful.

*No fatalities in Bladen County have been documented due to the hurricane

*MREs and water are coming from Tarboro and it takes 6 hours to get here. More supplies will arrive today.

*The strike teams from Texas and Tennessee has completed their work here in Bladen County. The National Guard will remain here to continue their help with relief efforts.

*Community helpers such as local fire departments and law enforcement departments continue to be a resource for dispatching information and meals. Also, local news outlets and Facebook has been used to dispatch information.

*DaVita is back up and running.

*County water is safe to drink. Officials are working on opening county offices.

*Mosquitos will be an issued. Standing water should continue to disappear.

*Solid waste is open in areas where available. Keep all building and construction separate from tree and limb debris. The county will start moving it today as long as there are trucks available.

Feeding locations for recovery:


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