Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingReminders from Hurricane Florence are all around as a new week begins:

Kelly area still suffering, as are many areas of the county, no school, many roads in various stages of disrepair.

There has been much progress, none more evident than in power being restored.  Over 99 percent of Four County and Duke Energy customers have power, but bet they would agree, one (1) is too many to be without and they are working hard to complete the job.

Bladenboro Town Council meeting tonight to discuss ways to assist the local, hard-hit business community.

Bladen County lost a very good public servant recently.  Visitation for Lewis Tatum will be held this p.m. at Bladen Gaskins Funeral Home.  Tatum served as County Commissioner for over 25 years, including several as Chairman, was a huge advocate for Economic Development, a good businessman, and family man.

Tiger Woods proved you can come back from numerous back surgeries and win on the PGA tour, won a cool $10 million yesterday.

BladenOnline numbers continue to be unreal, kinda lost in the shuffle for the past week or so.  For Sept. 16-22, 3rd most page views in a week and 2nd most visits in the papers over 10 1/2 years existence.

Sept 16-22

Page views: 220,316

Visits: 48,829

Sept 9-15

Page views: 149,872

Visits: 34,693

Year Ago

Page views: 119,818

Visits: 22,198


14,148: Updated listing of road closures in Bladen County (Sept 16)

6,866: Updated road closings in Bladen County (Sept 17)

5,605: Updated listing of Bladen County road closings (Sept 20)

4,615: Road closings in Bladen County (Sept 18)

4,338: Sinkhole at cemetery after Hurricane Florence

3,606: Emergency management gives update on Kelly situation

3,362: Listing of open stores in Elizabethtown

BladenOnline available…at no cost on numerous platforms including Facebook, Twitter and more.

With each sunshine we are given a chance for a new beginning.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.  Mark Twain

Today I have the power to begin anew.

robert g hester



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