Spread the love

By Erin Smith

The town of Bladenboro honored and recognized a former Police Chief on Monday night for his retirement. Former Bladenboro Police Chief Chris Hunt was given a plaque, a gold badge and his service weapon.

Mayor Rufus Duckworth read from the plaque:

“Town of Bladenboro Resolution presenting service weapon and badge to retired Police Chief.

Whereas Talmadge Christopher Hunt dutifully and faithfully served as Chief of Police for the Town of Bladenboro from January 1, 2011 until his retirement on September 28, 2018.

Whereas, he as during his tenure he faithfully executed the duties of his office and

Whereas during his service he was assigned a service by the Town of Bladenboro which is a Glock Model 22 40 caliber

Whereas the town  of Bladenboro wishes to recognize Talmadge Christopher Hunt for his service as Chief of Police and now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Bladenboro that retired Police Chief Chris Hunt is hereby given the service described above and his Police Chief’s badge in recognition of his service to the citizens of Bladenboro.”

Mayor Duckworth continued, “Thank you, sir. I appreciate everything you have done for us and I hope you enjoy your retirement.”

The room erupted into applause as Hunt accepted the plaque, badge and revolver.

“I’m going to cherish this moment,” said Hunt. “I’d like to thank all of the members of the board that have always supported me. Thank you. To the town and the citizens of Bladenboro, I’m honored and privileged to have served you. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Randy Sykes has been named to serve as the Interim Police Chief until a new Police Chief is hired.

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