Spread the love

By Erin Smith

The town of Bladenboro will be getting a new look in the downtown area, courtesy of the Town and Country Garden Club.

Pam Hamilton addressed the Bladenboro Town Board on Tuesday night and made a request for the garden club to be allowed to purchase metal benches which will be bolted into the concrete and placed throughout the downtown area. She described the benches as black metal and plaques will be placed on the benches acknowledging those who donated them.

“These benches will be located against the wall. They will not be freestanding out in the sidewalk area,” said Hamilton.

She told the board that as of Tuesday night, eight churches and two private individuals have already committed to donating benches. Hamilton said so far, the benches have been donated.

The proposed locations are to place two to four benches on the Pawn South wall, in the parking area behind the pawn shop where the signage is, Hamilton proposed placing two benches, one on each side of the trash can which belongs to the town. Another proposed location is to have one bench installed along the wall of the Edwards  Pharmacy building and one at Diamond Daves and Lollies on Main.

“This is a start for us and this is where we would like to begin,” said Hamilton.

She emphasized that beautification of the town is very much needed especially after the devastation brought by Hurricane Florence.

“We have redone and repaired what we could with flowers and it’s looking very presentable again,” said Hamilton.

She told the board the Garden Club would like to have the benches in place by the time of the Bladenboro Christmas Parade.

“Will they be bolted to the building?” asked Town Commissioner Rodney Hester.

Hamilton replied the benches will be bolted to the cement by the legs which already have holes for the bolts.

“Have you talked to the merchants where you are planning to have these?” asked Town Commissioner Patsy Callihan.

“We have. Right now, there are only two merchants,” said Hamilton. “Now when the Housing Authority comes back, she may want to get one. We can continue with that.”

Town Commissioner Hester asked how the group’s funds are and Hamilton replied they have worked with the Housing Authority and they have donated to the Garden Club consistently and generously. 

“When you go to Elizabethtown, you see that quaint little town over there. We don’t want to be Elizabethtown, but you’ve got to do it (spruce up the downtown). It is just something that has got to be done,” said Hamilton.

Town Commissioner Hester asked who would be responsible for installing the benches and Hamilton said the Garden Club will handle the purchasing and installation of the benches.

The board voted unanimously to approve the benches.

In other business:

*The board voted unanimously to approve the bid submitted by Allegiance Industries for a 100 kilowatt generator for the Golden Leaf Grant Police Department Generator. Interim Town Administrator Melanie Hester told the board another bid was received on Tuesday afternoon, however, it was for a 60 kilowatt generator.

*The board approved allowing Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson to donate $200 of her discretionary fund to the Bladenboro Christmas Parade.

*Interim Town Administrator Melanie Hester told the board she had her first meeting with FEMA on Friday, November 9. It appears that funds, which the town has spent thus far in clean up from Hurricane Florence, are eligible to be reimbursed by FEMA.

*The board met in closed session for 15 minutes for a personnel matter. When they reconvened in open session, the board took no action on the matter.

*The meeting was adjourned until Monday, December 3, at the 6 p.m. at the Bladenboro Historical Meeting for the town’s annual banquet.

One item not on the agenda was the Carroll’s Poultry factory. The board did not discuss the topic nor bring it up.

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